VÝSTRAHA: Poľadovica na vozovkách v nižších polohách, najmä pri vodných tokoch – Jazdite opatrne v Žilinskom kraji!

Obrázok k článku VÝSTRAHA: Poľadovica na vozovkách v nižších polohách, najmä pri vodných tokoch – Jazdite opatrne v Žilinskom kraji!

VÝSTRAHA! Už aj v nižších polohách hlavne v blízkosti vodných tokov sa aktuálne, aj v Žilinskom kraji začína tvoriť na vozovke poľadovica. JAZDITE OPATRNE!

BETA verzia

AI článok (testovacia prevádzka)

Warning: Ice Formation on Roads in Lower Elevations Near Water Bodies As temperatures plummet, even in the lower elevations particularly near water bodies, road conditions have become increasingly treacherous. In Žilina region, there's a notable rise in the formation of black ice on the road surfaces. This ice, often transparent and thus hard to detect, poses a significant hazard to drivers who may be caught off-guard by the sudden loss of traction. Drivers Urged to Exercise Caution Motorists are strongly advised to drive with the utmost caution. The unpredictability of black ice requires drivers to be vigilant, reduce speed, and allow for extended braking distances. Taking these precautions is vital for maintaining control of the vehicle to prevent accidents. Regular updates on road conditions and the progression of these icy patches can be instrumental in planning safer routes or avoiding travel if necessary. Remember, your safety and the safety of others on the road is paramount. Drive responsibly.

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